he The following is from Mr. Pandolfi's technical rider for proscenium stage concert venues. Tech requirements for different performance venues will be adjusted as is practical for the best possible performance.
Emile Pandolfi in Concert, with guest Dana Russell
Emile Pandolfi at Christmas with Dana Russell
Technical Rider 2019/2022
The Presenter shall provide, at their sole expense:
1. Piano: A Steinway 9’ (nine foot) Concert Grand**(model D) piano with adjustable artist bench (ie. adjustable height/tufted seat). The piano shall be placed in the performance location at least 10 hours prior to performance. The piano must be tuned by a professional piano technician on site on the day of the performance. If tuning takes place prior to Mr. Pandolfi’s arrival, the tuner must be available to return in a timely fashion, if deemed necessary by Mr. Pandolfi.
**If the venue owns a piano other than a Steinway D, or a B (7’), Mr. Pandolfi will discuss the venue’s piano with the piano technician who usually services the piano. Based on this discussion, Mr. Pandolfi will approve the resident piano or request a concert rental.
2. Sound: A quality sound reinforcement system, with a qualified sound engineer available for both sound check and performance.
Two on-stage monitors are required (one each) for Mr. Pandolfi & Ms. Russell Only Ms. Russell’s vocal needs to be in both monitors.
Vocal mics: (both provided by Mr. Pandolfi)
Emile uses a Countryman Isomax E6 Omnidirectional Ear Set with Sennheiser SK 100 G3 bodypack transmitter and a Sennheiser eW100 G receiver.
Dana uses a Shure handheld cordless ULXD4/KSM8 cartridge and a ULXD4 receiver. Please provide mic stand off stage left for Ms. Russell.
Venue may need to provide an additional corded vocal mic and boom mic stand at piano for Emile for certain programs. Will confirm in advance of show.
Venue must have backups for both performers available if needed.
Piano mics: (provided by Mr. Pandolfi)
Emile will provide two sets of piano mics. Both sets use phantom power and he'll decide onsite which set he'll use.
Earthworks system for mic-ing the piano. (phantom power)
2 Audix SCX25A piano microphones (lollipops) (phantom power)
As backup piano mics: The mics that your venue normally uses to mic your piano will be fine.
Sound Check: Mr. Pandolfi’s preference is to run sound check at minimum 3 hours prior to house opening.
3. Lighting: This show can be done with very basic lighting but it’s great if more advanced lighting effects can be used. That depends on the venue capability and the time involved in hanging, focusing and programming. So it’s up to you!
Following is a general description of focus areas for Emile Pandolfi’s concert lighting. Soft, rounded edges are preferred on specials. Please see stage set-up for piano placement; directly under 1st electric is preferred location, depending on size of stage and # feet available downstage of piano for Emile to speak. (Most patter is delivered downstage center).
Piano should be at slight angle, with top end of keyboard (DS side) at center, bass end angled toward USR. This gives a majority of audience a keyboard view and balances stage. Bench is 3’ out from keyboard.
Lighting focus:
keyboard – direct down light so that black keys & lip of kybd lid do not cast shadows onto white keys. Focus can be open enough to include Emile / piano bench, or can be combined with add’l special covering bench area (below). Bleed into harp is ok.
Emile (full body) – bench location: soft rounded edges, top & front light (face fill from FOH) Often a 45 degree angle out front works for this. Needs to eliminate facial shadows and any onstage color coverage on him. Coverage should encircle bench, must fully cover Emile’s back and arms while playing. Blend coverage with keybd.
Dana (vocalist) Follow spot preferred. Needs special if no follow spot – full piano length area, covering about a 4’ area from piano to downstage. She generally stands near the curve, but wanders a bit.
full piano (body) – tight focus from FOH and/or side; as little floor underneath as possible
inside piano harp -tight focus, reflecting onto open lid and off lid edge (edge can be backlit)
bow/monologue - center & wide areas DS, extending symmetrically across stage to just beyond off-stage sides of piano body & bench, to upstage side of piano keyboard/bench (water table in stage setup). Rounded, soft edges, please. Emile will occasionally stand at bench or grab water upstage of piano during his monologue.
For proscenium stages, using full lighting: top & backlight- top for color, breakups, (no hard edges) covers area surrounding piano and Emile from midstage to downstage, symmetrical on either side (L & R) of center. Backlight for Emile, piano & Dana
The following is pretty basic, listed as Roscoe gel #’s rather than colors, but still some decent mood lighting possibilities in there. It’s appreciated if you can get as close to these colors, if not actually these #’s, as you can:
LIsted here is basic lighting, appropriate for all venues; and, additionally, basic-plus and then full lighting for proscenium stages with more extensive tech facilities and the time to devote to cueing day of show. Elements from basic+ and full sets can be added individually.
R-51 Emile top light (body, bench & piano keys) It’s very important that there be no shadows on the keys! We also want to keep any color bleed from stage off the keys and Emile’s body.
R-33 Emile front special (face/body while playing)
Piano body
R-33, R-51 Front, lighting downstage area covering broad area (for monologues, etc.)
If this will also be Dana’s lighting, then needs to be somewhat dimmer when she sings and boosted for her bow.
Blue, red, amber stage washes
R-16 piano body (FOH boom or rail)
R20 piano harp-inside, soundboard (from boom or front) This should reflect onto open lid
R-33 or R-51 Dana special or Follow spot
(Below is for dedicated performance venues with electric battens/fly space)
R-18, R-19, R-73, R-85, R-339 Back/down/area
R22 R358 Area Side colors
R27 R83 R90 Cyc colors (if using): primaries for mixing
R22 R358 R348 If also using side light on piano body (must not blind Emile, please!)
Midstage swag drapery of cyc material can be provided by us, but requires 2 LED color changing fixtures (venue’s), focused only for drapery. Can be either up lights or down. Please contact to discuss.
Rough hang is expected to be complete upon artist load-in, with final focus of specials to take place at that time.
4. Stagehand (performance hall/permanent stage venues)
one stagehand at load-in and to be backstage during the performance, on headset if at all possible. The stagehand should be appropriately dressed in black.
Load-in time: Unless otherwise arranged /confirmed between the artist and venue TD, Mr. Pandolfi will load in at approx. 1:00 pm for an evening performance provided show is using simplified lighting. Morning load-in if using drapery and full lighting.
Preference for matinee load-in is 5 hours prior to curtain.
Christmas Stage decoration: preferably at least one 7’ (minimum) tree, or several smaller trees if you’ve got them, to remain lit during show. Can be set at either side of proscenium and/or near midstage, upstage of the piano. If trees are difficult to come by, at least 12 poinsettias (6 per side). Arrangement should have 2/side at slightly raised height.
It is possible that stage set will be provided by MMP. Please discuss this at least 4 weeks prior to show. It will require earlier load-in time.
Christmas Sound addition: Reliable CD system with monitor and house feeds and handheld vocal mic for Mr. Pandolfi, on boom at keyboard